Actor Rajeev Khandelwal and Bollywood actress Gauhar Khan were in Jaipur on Thursday, July 21, 2016 for movie promotions.
Pokemon Go, the game that has been talked about much in the previous week. The launch of the game took place in the month of July, 2016
The Talk Journalism Media Festival - The Vox Foundation Initiative, is a platform which is dated to take place on July 30 - 31, 2016 at the Fairmont Hotel situated on the Delhi Road in the Jaipur city. The Vox Foundation Initiative
Several youngsters in the city of Jaipur are big adventure lovers. Some of them are the members of the ‘Rajputana Classic Jeeps Club’, where they are ever ready to set off on a road trip in jeeps.
Monsoon seasons brings the joy of living in a pleasant weather, dancing in the rain, eating crispy pakoras with hot tea but at the same time it also brings along illnesses, which is why it is often referred as the ‘Doctors’ Season’.
Several pensioners in the state, who are alive, have been declared dead in government records and are thus, no more entitled to pension.
Rambagh Golf Club has hired a new executive committee with an aim to broaden horizons for the expansion of the game and the club.
‘Rang Malahar’ is an annual fest that is organized every monsoon. Artists pray for happiness and good rains through their paintings.
Major fire broke out in a footwear manufacturing factory named Poddar Polymers at VKI’s Road No. 9 area of Jaipur.