JEE-Advanced Results Out; 3 Jaipur Students in Top 20

IIT Madras has announced the JEE-Advanced results 2017 and to our delight 3 students from Jaipur have made it to the top 20 Jee Advance rank list.

Jaipur Students who made it to the Top Positions in JEE-Advanced results 2017

3 students from Jaipur have made it to the top 20 list of JEE Advanced toppers.

  • Aman Kansal secured 15th rank
  • Yash Khemchandani secured 16th rank
  • Devansh Garg secured 19th rank

Other than these 10 students have made it to the top 200 positions in the JEE-Advanced results 2017.

  • Arpit Agrawal secured 21st rank
  • Chitrank Gupta secured 52nd rank
  • Kritin Garg secured 56th rank
  • Prateek Garg secured 96th rank
  • Abhijeet Singh Yadav secured 114th rank
  • Sarthak Singhal secured 169th rank
  • Saksham Khandelwal secured 184th rank

Congratulations to all of them and their parents + teachers!


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