After hosting a successful show with Sorabh Pant 10 days ago, the Punchliners are organising another stand-up comedy show in Jaipur. This time with the Engineer turned Comedian Appurv Gupta at Mansingh Hotel in Jaipur.

Book the date - 28 April 2017 at 7:30 PM

Where: Hotel Mansingh Jaipur, 169, SC Road, Lalpura Colony, Sindhi Camp, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Line up by Appurv Gupta

Appurv Gupta #LaughWithAnEngineer

Engineer turned Comedian, Appurv Gupta has one of the most unique voices in the stand up comedy scene in India. CNN-IBN has listed him in the Top 20 stand up comedians to watch out for in 2014. Comedy Central India says that he is India's leading Hinglish stand-up comic. He is famous for his clean comedy. NDTV Prime shows him regularly with his exclusive show 'The Rising Stars of Comedy with Appurv Gupta'. His recent video on mobile-phone and his solo show 'AppurView' and 'RelationShip Or RelationShit' have already got multiple reviews on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. He is also famous for his web series 'Mudde Ki Baat - #Gupta_Ji_Ke_Sath' on various trending issues. Forbes India had listed his name in the Forbes India Celebrity 100 Nominees list for 2015.


General Entry: Rs.499

Student Discount: Rs.299

Important Notice: Three meal buffet available at venue for Rs.799

Book your tickets now at BookMyShow for a wonderful evening with Appurv Gupta stand up comedian in Jaipur.


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