Recently, the Jaipur International Airport was ranked as World's Number 1 Airport as per the reports of a worldwide survey conducted between 320 airports from 80 different countries. The Jaipur Airport Authority are taking every possible measure to further develop Jaipur's airport day by day.

The airport to get 2 new gates soon

Passengers were facing trouble and inconvenience while checking in. To give passengers some some relief from this inconvenience, the airport's second floor is soon going to get 2 more gates. The work of development of these 2 gates is almost complete.

Water harvesting plant

Before this plan to install a solar plant to save electricity, the airport already has a water-harvesting system. This water harvesting system collects and conserves water during rains. This saved water is then used for irrigation and for preparing fertilizers.


In order to keep the temperatures in control during scorching summers, a lot of plantation has been done in and around the airport premises. This not only keeps the airport cool and in harmony with the environment but also beautifies the area. The dried leaves and branches are also being put to use for making fertilizers that are used in gardening.

Several projects have already been completed to ensure that the Jaipur International Airport is as eco-friendly as possible. And now its time for the airport to get a Solar Plant.

The airport gets a solar plant

Not only this, but the work of setting up a 1800 kilowatt solar plant has also started at the airport. It has been estimated that the plant would be ready by the end of the month of July. This solar plant will help conserve a lot of electricity at the airport. this plant will keep the airport energy efficient and in harmony with the ecosystem.


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