Diwali 2016: Say No to Firecrackers

Firecrackers seem to be the most exciting part of the Diwali celebrations. But is all the fun that crackers bring actually good for all? What about the damage that the smoke and the noise caused by firecrackers and fireworks do? This Diwali say no to firecrackers and celebrate a Diwali that is good to you, the environment and all others.

Say Yes to a Pollution-Free Diwali


Diwali has been associated with firecrackers and fireworks so much that people blatantly ignore all environmental hazards associated with them and carelessly burst crackers in huge quantities. Firecrackers are one of leading causes behind worsening air and noise pollution during the festival. Similarly, the solid waste produced by the left parts of the crackers is hazardous and leads to various diseases. Pollution is one of the primary causes of diseases and deaths in the world. So it is very important to take care of the health of the environment so as to take care of your own health.

Say Yes to a Safe Diwali


Firecrackers cause a lot of accidents every year where people end up injuring their hands or arms while bursting crackers. Especially younger children should be kept away from the range of firecrackers since it may cause extreme injuries to them.

Say Yes to a Pet-Friendly Diwali

We also want to aware people of the harm that these firecrackers cause to the speechless animals such as dogs. The noise of the firecrackers is very harsh to them as they have highly sensitive hearing power. Also the suspended particles of crackers in air cause a lot of health issues for them.

Logical Indian has presented this in a very emotional storyline on what dogs feel when you burst firecrackers. We are sharing it here.


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian


Image courtesy – Logical Indian 

Say Yes to Make Good Use of Your Money

Watch the following video before you read further:

Don’t let your money burn into flames in the form of harmful firecrackers. Use those thousands to light up someone’s life this Diwali

We appeal people of Jaipur to celebrate a firecrackers free Diwali, spreading only joys and no harms. #SayNoToFirecrackers #SayYesToAHappyDiwali

Happy Diwali!


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