गरम  चाय की चुस्की: A startup of delivering tea at your door step

Home delivery for pizza and other food items must be a common thing for you to hear. A common sight, a common practice and just such a common notion in the present days. Home delivery for all these stated things is also possible when one has a set minimum billing amount. We all know the drill. Well what’s different and new is a bubbling concept of ordering a cup of tea, yes, you read it right.
एक कप चाय.

एक गरम चाय की प्याली हो:

Order a hot cup of tea and have it being presented to you right at your door step. What's the  catch? The catch here is that a startup for delivering hot and sweet tea right at your door step has been started up by a young man named Raghuveer Singh Chaudhary. Find yourself sipping tea at a price as low and as 5 INR. That's something you pay when you have a cup of tea at your local thadi. Doesn't even burn a hole in your pocket we bet.

A delivery boy by job turns into an entrepreneur with a fresh startup idea:

Raghuveer some time back worked as a delivery boy for an e-commerce company. The young and enthusiastic boy has made an attempt to experiment with the regular tea and he has also experimented with the way he wished to deliver his tea to the people and amidst all this, the young entrepreneur has not forgotten to analyze the modern trend and be in-line with that.

Taking down orders on phone and on Whatsapp:

Raghuveer is taking down his orders for hot bubbling tea on his phone via calls and is also accepting the orders via Whatsapp messages. Be sure you make use of that smart application now, to quench your thirst for hot tea.

Free tea if our delivery men don’t reach you within 15 minutes:

On a similar note, where pizzas are given away free to the customer if they arrive after the expected time of arrival, Raghuveer is offering free tea to his customers if he fails to deliver them at their door step within the stipulated time. Raghuveer shared that within a time frame of 15 minutes, tea gets delivered to people within a 3 kilometer range.

Door step delivery of tea, idea struck to him when he himself was a delivery boy:

Raghuveer shared that he was previously employed in an e-commerce company as a delivery boy and the idea of starting up his own venture struck him while he was working there. He thought to himself that when companies take the pain of delivering the ordered products to their customers within a time frame, then why can the same not be applied to tea. Tea is not an exceptional case.

Putting substance to thought and building up a venture:

After Raghuveer believed his thought should be put to substance and he had strong belief in himself, he set himself free from his mundane job and decided to deliver hot cuppa tea to people and implemented the same rules and regulations that are applicable to pizza delivery. He decided to serve within a particular time frame and swore to serve quality.

Tea, the first choice of people:

Raghuveer being an idealist potentially kept the rates of his tea extremely low, merely 5 rupees to be exact. He expresses that his aim is to render quality service and to make it reach a world class level. He believes that people who sell tea are not seen and taken with a positive mindset amongst people. If quality and world class service is given while serving tea to people just like fast food etc., then the business of serving tea to people can be grown speedily and be taken a step higher. Tea holds a sacred place in the heart and mind of the Indians and it is given quite a lot of value and is the first preferred beverage for everyone.

Tea delivery at your door stop, service areas:

Raghuveer’s tea service is prevalent in Rajapark and Vaishali Nagar for now and in a very short span of time, the taste for Raghuveer’s tea has been on people’s mind and heart. People in the city in a great number are placing orders for tea on Whatsapp to Raghuveer.

Expansion plans:

Raghuveer shared that in the coming 5 months, he plans to expand and make home delivery of tea to the whole city. Raghuveer has 5-6 delivery boys working for him to deliver tea.

Some quickies about Raghuveer and his venture for making home delivery of a hot cup of tea:

  • Home delivery is made for a cup of tea.
  • Tea is made available right at your door step within a serviceable area of 3 kilometers.

A commitment to serve tea within a time frame of 15 minutes is guaranteed.


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