Placement season commences: Companies aggressively hiring women

The placement season has begun and with that comes the onset of good news for the women of the country. The Common Admission Test (CAT) exam is going to secure a certain percentage (read 2 – 5 per cent) for women who wish to pursue their higher studies and get admission into the top notch MBA colleges in the country, the IIMs. On a similar note and trend, places in the board of members or say even the top management in multi-national companies is being reserved in present times for women. It is not a fact unknown that companies are becoming conscious and aware about the concept of gender diversity and are encouraging women towards leadership.

Hiring women intensively:

With all this being said and it being much in news all-round the year, the placement season in the Pink City has also begun and these things can be witnessed by one on their own.
In a very recent placement drive that was coordinated in the Jaipur city by a multinational company, it was observed that job offers were rolled out to more than 75 per cent of the total applicants (this qualifies for 3/4th of the total applicants). These steps are being taken to motivate girls to take up the technical path as their career and also to let them enhance their confidence.

Ratio of men and women in the technical space is huge:

Studies show that there is a massive difference between the number of men and women who are there in the technical field. However, experts strongly believe that this gap can also be reduced and thus filled by allowing women to expose themselves and enter the technical space and work there. The ratio of men to women in the engineering colleges in Rajasthan is 75:25. Out of this ratio too, the number of women in engineering branches like mechanical, civil and electrical are drastically low.

After all these numbers and studies, multinational companies are favouring to employ women in as their staff, which proves that these steps if and when taken can change the face of engineering, its space and the recognition and presence of women in it. Experts according to their studies have revealed that when women are employed in a technical company, the company progresses more and has a lot of creative scope and ideas floating around.

Employing women in the board of members in a company and top level positions: Following the US work culture

Women are being given importance and are considered as equals who are fit for becoming members of the board in a company. Corporate communication head of a multinational company, Mr. Vineet Jain recently shared that companies who are considering women as equals and are encouraging them to rise and progress are the companies which are on the path of following the US work culture and ethics where it is necessary to fulfil the bare minimum 33 per cent of the staff as women. Considering all this, women are getting higher and better prospects in terms of their jobs and career.

US and Europe job market down, students to work twice as hard as before for landing up into their dream job:

In present times, students will have to work twice as hard as they worked previously to secure a safe place and land up in a safe and their dream job in an IT company. This is because IT companies are reducing their hiring rate and this has a direct impact of hiring the candidates. This hiring impact has also casted its impact onto the job aspirants of the Jaipur city. Technical companies are in a dilemmatic state when it comes to the US policies and are also in a state of panic on account of receiving projects in India. All this has reduced the number of placements taking place. Companies that are operating their business in Europe are going to clear their hiring strategies and proceed for the same process after almost a year.


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