Startups and entrepreneurship: Let’s face job dearth and gear up for career oriented skill development

The situation of unemployment is increasing at a rapid rate in the country. This is a matter of serious concern.
On the other hand the growing children and the young generation display an inclination and desire towards learning something new every day.

The generation that’s getting educated in the present times is smart enough to grab new things swiftly and this gives rise to the need to determine a way to channel their energies and talents into the right direction.
Channeling the energies of the young generation into the right direction will ensure a bright and shining future for them.

Deficiency of jobs as compared to the job seekers:

The government of the country feels and expressed that due to the hasty ascend of the population of the country, it is a tough task to generate same number of jobs for the potential candidates.

Motivate yourself for entrepreneurship: Government says

As the situation is getting worse by every passing day and eventually by every passing year, the youngsters must aggressively indulge into generating jobs for themselves on their own.

In light of entrepreneurship: Startups

On the name of generating employment for oneself, the startup culture has been seen to come forward in a high rate.
Startup culture has provided many youngsters with jobs.
The government of the country is also stepping towards the startup culture and is promoting the same.

Schools becoming sensitive to career oriented skill development practices:

A brighter side to startup culture is that the schools in the city of Jaipur are highly becoming aware in the career development of the children.
School authorities express that there is no dearth of talent in the country.
Such talent must be motivated and pushed towards taking up entrepreneurship and being entrepreneurs themselves in the coming future.

Refraining from dull academic learning – Stepping towards practical learning

Schools and the teaching pattern being followed there are no more restricting the children towards academic knowledge or limiting them by any traditional styles of studying.

Imparting technicalities of startups at a young age in schools:

Children and youngsters are being connected to and taught about the techniques of the startup culture and entrepreneurship.
There are numerous such schools in the Jaipur city that are trying to connect their students with startups and thus enabling them to learn the nits and grits of startup cultures.

Startup fests:

Children are given the opportunity to interact with people associated with startups and some children are given the opportunity to take part and experience the startup and skill development fests to understand the technicalities of startups.

Clubs for student interaction:

Schools are forming various kinds of clubs within themselves and to connect the students with entrepreneurship, similar clubs are also being formed.
These clubs organize weekly or monthly activities to engage the students and to help them learn and grasp new things.
Practical knowledge is being passed on to the kids by way of organizing fests.

Principals of schools in the Jaipur city:

Principal Ms. Rashmi Talwar of a school in the Jaipur city that recently planned and held up a fest catering to startup culture expressed that the children of the Commerce background of grade 11th and 12th in the school took part in the fest.
Here in the fest, children learned to make various decorative items out of the waste material.

Principal Usha Sharma of yet another school in the Jaipur city stated that alumni students Shashank Sharma and another student are developing a website to bring together all the people associated with startups to one platform.

Principals of various schools are holding up demonstrations and staging activities in the school premises which allow the child to practically engage himself in such activities that enable him to learn about startups, skill development and enhancement and being an entrepreneur in the future.
Activities like Kushal Bharat Kaushal Bharat, inviting entrepreneurs to deliver interactive talk sessions etc.


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