Robin Hood India: Feeding the poor, hungry and have not’s of the country

Does the story of Robin Hood cross your mind? Do you seem to remember it?
Robin Hood, the character which robbed the rich people of their wealth and distributed it amongst the poor and the needy people. We, the commoners of the city and the country believe that it is just the books and the tales in them where such characters are limited to. That’s not where it ends.

Team Robin Hood comes forth in green t-shirts wandering the city roads:

In many parts of the Jaipur city and also the country, not just one, but a whole team of Robin Hood stars outfitted in green t-shirts come out and come together every Sunday to feed the needy and the poor people.
People in this Robin Hood team are professionals too and come forward to volunteer for the event that takes place every Sunday.

robin hood army

Jaipur and the country’s hunger to be quenched:

This Independence day and a day before it (August 14, 2016 and August 15, 2016), the Robin Hood group has set down a target for themselves to feed 10000 hungry mouths in the Jaipur city.
For the country, the group has set a target of feeding 500000 hungry and poor and needy people.

The mastermind behind Robin Hood:

Neel Ghosh, a pass out of the most prestigious college of the country, Shri Ram College Of Commerce and a student and pass out of the London School Of Economics connected with a restaurant search and discovery service after completing his education.
Here at this place, Neel is employed as a Vice President, International Operations.
In relation to his work and other associated tasks, Neel was residing in Lisbon, where he heard about ‘re-food’. The organization aimed to provide food to the needy and the poor by collecting the same from people.
Neel was highly impressed with the concept and on returning to the country, he shared this idea with a friend of his named Anand Sinha.
Both the friends geared up for this food mission and created a page on the social media platforms to connect with the people, slowly and steadily this all led to the formation of the army of the Robin Hood.


How does the team of Robin Hood work?

Many people (read volunteers) can be spotted on a Sunday morning outfitted in a green coloured t-shirt wandering on the city roads.

Come be a part of Robin Hood:

The best part of the Robin Hood army is that anyone and everyone can get associated with them.

Distributing fresh bought food only:

Team Robin Hood aims to buy freshly packed food and distribute it amongst the poor and the needy people.
They do not distribute food that is left over by other people.
They make a special note of the fact that the food is not stale or is prone to being perished.

Secondary aim to the primary aim of feeding hungry needy people:

Behind the main aim of serving and distributing food to the poor and the needy people of the country, the hidden aim behind this motive is to connect with these people and build up a conversation with them.
The team and its volunteers aim towards spending time with the poor and the needy to teach them basic values, help them learn about the generic things around them etc.
The volunteers of the Robin Hood team aim towards building the basic amenities for these poor and needy people.

That’s how the team building began:

In August 2014, Neel Ghosh along with his friend Anand began to build up the team of volunteers of Robin Hood. The city of Jaipur was also linked to this project. The Jaipur chapter of team Robin Hood has about 100 people as team members.

Jaipur team Robin Hood:

Coordinator of the Jaipur chapter of Robin Hood, Ms. Sonal Agarwal expressed that on the eve of Independence day and the Sunday prior to it, the team of Robin Hood is aiming to feed 10000 hungry and needy people.
Other volunteers in the country will aim to feed 5 lakh people.

Spreading wings and flying successfully:

The team of volunteers of Robin Hood has spread their wings in about 30 cities in the country.
About 5215 volunteers are associated with Robin Hood all over the country.
These volunteers without any financial help are reaching out to 622470 people in the country and feeding them food. Team Robin Hood has successfully reached out to the country Pakistan.

Robin Hood Team

Robin Hood reaches Pakistan:

Neel Ghosh expressed that he has a friend in Pakistan named Sarah Afridi.
Neel shared the concept of Robin Hood with his friend. Sarah agreed that just like India suffers from poverty, inequality and hunger, on a similar note, the same practice prevails in Pakistan.
Hence, Sarah began a chain of the team of Robin Hood in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore.


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