American Food Reality Show ‘Chopped’: Winner Ms. Arti Sampat from India

An American reality food show named ‘Chopped’ recently aired its final round. A chef from Indian origin, Ms. Arti Sampat stood out as the winner of the show.

The final episode of the American reality food show ‘Chopped’ was aired on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. Here the winner was announced and her name was called out.

Winner, a pass out candidate from a college in the city of Jaipur:

The winner Ms. Arti is a pass out candidate of a college based in the Jaipur city named Indian Institute Of Hotel Management.

Head chef at Hotel Junoon:

Ms. Arti is the head chef of the restaurant ‘Junoon’ that is owned by the star chef Vikas Khanna.


Kick started her career as a trainee:

She kick started her career after passing out from her college.
On passing out, the woman joined the Taj Group of Hotels as a kitchen management trainee.
She strived to learn the current food trends and fashion in the food industry always.

A challenging yet satisfactory win:

Ms. Arti feels quite relieved for she says that this had been the most nerve wrecking and challenging task for her in her life. She says that being a part of the show has been one of the most difficult and challenging task in her life. Yet after all this, the show and the victory have given immense satisfaction to the winner chef.

Readying up a dish in 20 minutes and being accused if it doesn’t turn out delicious:

She expresses that to make a dish in merely 20 minutes and above all being criticized if the dish doesn’t turn out to be good was not an easy sip to take down the throat. Ms. Arti is bubbling with excitement to take on the new and upcoming endeavours in her life. She feels that she has taken a step forward to inspire all the women in the world and her own country, India.

Jaipur college education takes the woman to pursue her cooking dreams in the Mumbai city:

A graduate from a college in the Jaipur city, Ms. Arti’s relation with food has been associated with the city of Mumbai.


Core team member for:

She has also been a member of the core team of the ‘The Billionaires Club Dinner’.

Matter of pride for the victory of an Indian woman at an international level:

For the culinary industry, this victory is a highly famous thing. Ms. Arti feels that being a woman of the Indian origin, it is a matter of pride for her for this victory.



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