The Great India Run: Jeet Har Kadam Par | Marathon Comes to the City of Jaipur

Inaugural Date of the Marathon

The first of India’s great marathon by the name “The Great India Run” shall instigate from July 17, 2016 from New Delhi. The marathon will mark its end on August 6, 2016.

Length of the Track of ‘The Great India Run’

The marathon is said to be 1480 kilometers long in its run and beginning from New Delhi, it will pass through many states in the country.

Marathon to Touch Mumbai

After passing through many a state, the marathon and its runners will reach the city of Mumbai on August 6, 2016.

‘The Great India Run’ Comes to Jaipur

The main attraction of the marathon is that it will also pass through the Pink City Jaipur.

Marathon Reaches Jaipur on

The marathon will reach the city of Jaipur on July 22, 2016.

Marathon Running Length in Jaipur and its Venue

In the city of Jaipur, the marathon will be a 5 kilometer run in the outer area of the Sawai Mansingh Stadium (SMS stadium).

Spreading Awareness about Fitness and Health

‘The Great India Run’ marathon will aim to spread awareness about health and fitness amongst the city residents.

Actors from Bollywood to take part in the Run

‘The Great India Run’ marathon is said to have its own characteristic details and charisma. Actor Milind Soman will be taking part in the run from the city of Ahmedabad to the city of Mumbai, via Silvassa.

World’s Youngest Runner to Join In

World’s youngest runner David Brado from Denmark will also show his presence and be a part of the run.

  • Marathons David has participated in: David has been a part of 200 marathons till date and he is of a young age of 21 years.
  • David’s first Indian marathon run: It is for the first and the foremost time that David is being a part of a marathon that holds its roots in India and is happening in the country itself.
  • David’s academic details: David is pursuing his graduation in business management but running is his passion.

Member of USSR to Participate

A member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and former member of the Russian National Track, Yuri Esperson will also be a part of the marathon.

Enthusiasts from Other Countries

A runner from New York has introduced stretching for the whole sole purpose of fitness which has been adopted by numerous celebrities there.

Runners from South Africa, Goa and Chandigarh will also be a part of ‘The Great India Run’.


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