A report on - Firing Government Doctors in Rajasthan

Government suspended first year doctors and fired residents

A strike by resident doctors of the government hospitals has disturbed the working of medical care facilities. The Strike which was started on last Monday by over four thousand resident doctors boycotting work to protest the MCI’s (Medical Council of India) suggested examination pattern  where the copies of the doctors will be sent to other states of India for the Evaluation. Mr. Rajendra Rathore, Health Minister of Rajasthan quoted on the issue that the government cannot tolerate the behaviour of the resident doctors when it’s for someone’s life. 


Image Source – Deccan Chronicles Newspaper

The government has suspended over five hundred and eighty first year resident doctors and fired more than two hundred and fifty resident doctors.   

Twenty nine year old Suman has been admitted to the most famous and high tech government hospital of Jaipur, Sawai Man Singh Hospital’s neurological ward since Monday, waiting for treatment of her Brain Tumour.  "I have been here since Monday but my turn for an operation is not coming, and I don't think there is any chance till residents remain on duty," she said.

The strike is affecting patients. Each hospital ward of the government hospitals has a minimum of two doctors on duty, but following the strike the doctors couldn’t be seen in the hospital wards.

But the idea of the strike sounds rubbish to me, what I believe is if one studies well and perform the best in your academics and practical, one shall not worry about the evaluation and other after exam procedures. According to me, the government has no other option than suspending and firing resident doctors.

In the long run, the government needs to stop being the employer especially for doctors and outsource that function to the hospital themselves. The hospital shall have full rights to hire and fire any personnel. By doing this, the resident doctors will think before initiating any strike.

On this Minister Rajendra Rathore said that the MCI will be given with the waiting list of the candidates so that the awaiting students can get the chance.

According to a news report – around 4000 resident doctors across the state went on strike on May 30 demanding that the examination pattern should not be changed as per the new guidelines which was given by MCI (Medical Council of India.

The government has suspended 1230 more resident doctors which include four forty three C A S - P G, hundred thirty nine freshman P G, and six forty eight other P G scholars.

Mr. Rathore said that they have asked the doctors to come back and resume services. But the doctors said that they are not ready to join services until they receive in writing that the order of suspension and termination has been revoked.

The doctors are not willing to join the work as they are apprehensive that after resuming services there’s no surety that the government will revoke its suspension and termination order – Said by Dr. Akash Mathur, vice-president, JARD.

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