Students from the City of Jaipur to participate in the Robotics Competition of Singapore

Students from the City of Jaipur have bagged a place to represent the city and undoubtedly the country in the ‘Annual Robotics Competition’ for Singapore University of Technology and Design.

This is the 7th year of the consecutive yearly celebration of the robotics competition and the same is date to take place on June 4, 2016.

Selected students:

14 students from the Jaipur city have been selected to take part and design and display their robotic models in the competition. A pure utilisation of technique, technology and knowledge by the children.

Competition organisers:

The competition is being organised by Avishkaar Robotics and students from countries other than India are expected to participate in it. Students from Bangladesh, China, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Japan, Korea etc. are expected to participate positively.


From our country, India, three categorisations have been made for the competition which shall consist of 15 teams. A moment of proud for the city residents is that out of these 15 teams, 4 teams are from the city of Jaipur.

Participating children and their schools:

Robotics trainer Mr. Braj Bhooshan shared that the 14 students participating in this robotics competition are from Jayshree Periwal High School and Jayshree Periwal International School.

Competition segregation:

The competition has been divided into three broad groups that are:

  • Junior Group
  • Middle Group
  • Senior Group

Tasks have been segregated for these three different groups. Let’s read them below:

Tasks for the ‘Junior Group’:

Junior Group, also known as the Robo Genius Team has to come up with a robot style which can send Silica and Pyroxene from the surface of the moon to our planet Earth.

Meet the team:

The team has the following members:

  • Niyati Bhooshan
  • Anandi Singh
  • Bhavika Meghani
  • Shiv Nandini Singh

Tasks for the ‘Middle Group’:

Middle Group has been further subdivided into two teams. The names of these two teams are - ‘Astro’ team and ‘Future Kalam’ team.

Both the teams have to design a robot style which for the safety of the tiger animal in the Bandhavgarh National Park is equipped with an automatic radio collar installation.

Meet the team:

The ‘Astro’ team has the following members:

  • Dev Aryan
  • Gaurav Kalar
  • Saksham Agarwal

The ‘Future Kalam’ team has the following members:

  • Navil Sanghani
  • Vansh Gupta
  • Anshuman Tomar
  • Sudhakar Harsha

Tasks for the ‘Senior Group’:

Senior Group has been named as the ‘Prototype’ team. The team has to develop a robot system to be self-equipped so efficiently so as to clean a city without any human indulgence absolutely. Such a technology has to be designed by this team and its members.

For the purpose of this requirement, two robots (prototype model), each of which is 1 feet high have been designed which clean up and do other cleaning tasks just like a human being.

Meet the team:

The team has the following members:

  • Ravi Gupta is a programmer in the team.
  • Shrey Bhargava and Yashwant Chaudhary are programmers in the team.


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