3 McDonald’s outlets in Jaipur found using 16-day-old oil

Food Inspectors raid McDonald’s in Jaipur

In a recent inspection drive conducted by the Jaipur Health Department, it was found that 3 of the McDonald’s outlets in Jaipur do not have a proper oil management system. Food inspectors found that oil at McDonald’s outlets at Panchbatti, Elements Mall and Crystal Palm in Jaipur was 16 days old.

Narottam Sharma, the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Jaipur said that they were shocked to find 16-day-old oil at McDonald’s outlets. The oil had turned black because of being heated constantly at 3600 C for so many days. The officials also found out that McDonald’s outlets are using Palmolein oil, which is less healthy when compared to other edible oils such as soybean oil. “The management was unable to give us a satisfactory answer”, said Narottam.

Over 100l of used oil, which is meant to prepare stuff like French Fries was found stored. The officials revealed that they destroyed the stockpile of used stale oil at McDonald’s and took samples for testing. The outlets have been given an improvement notice. Once they get a comprehensive report on the samples from the laboratory, the next course of action will be decided.

This discovery at the popular fast food chain McDonald’s has urged Jaipur Health Department officials to check if other popular fast food chains in Jaipur are adhering to the prescribed food safety standards or not.

Jaipur Health Department officials are now conducting surprise food inspection raids at other restaurants and popular fast food outlets as well, including KFC, Domino’s, Subway and Pizza Hut.


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