Where everything and everyone is getting themselves onboard on the virtual identity ship, Rajasthan University and its departments are discovering to build and maintain the sail of their boat.
Rajasthan University celebrates the commencement of new beginnings with pomp, but tends to be forgetful of taking things forward and maintaining their presence and form.
What’s being talked about here is the presence of the university and its departments on their respective websites.
Website development and maintenance:
- Last year only did the university decide to upgrade its website and its performance and its related colleges and their website development programmes too.
- Under this upgradation and maintenance program, websites for the Maharani college and the Rajasthan college were developed under the order of the governor of the state Mr. Kalyan Singh. After the successful completion of the websites for these two colleges, it was announced by the governor to develop websites for other colleges which are constituted under the university and also for various departments under the university.
- Ironic is that even after an year of such announcements and regulations being made, about 35 departments in the university and other colleges have yet not worked up on the development of their website. What is clearly understood is that the colleges and university departments have failed on front of keeping the students informed of the happenings of the college and departmental activities and work and also on the front where orders of the governor of the state had to be followed.

Colleges and their details:
- It has been found out the leaving aside R.A. Poddar College in the city, rest other colleges have developed their website but have failed to maintain the same. Apart from maintaining the website, it has also been found out that the websites also lack in technical features.
- According to some fine data that has been collected, Maharani college data reveals that only a single faculty took a lecture on March 19, 2016. The website depicts no other data except this. It is quite clear from this that the data for any other faculty is simply unavailable on the website.
- The website for Maharaja college sure does have an icon for attendance, but the same does not reveal any data about the faculty present or absent in the college premises on a particular day or the number of students that were present or absent on a particular day.
- The website of Rajasthan College has a technical issue attached with its notice board section on which the administration has failed to pay any attention or improvement to.
- What comes as a surprise is that the department of computer science and information technology under the university also does not have a website of its own. The department is solely responsible for imparting education about different programming languages to the students. Languages like C, C++ are taught to the students, these very same languages are utilised in the formation of a website.
Departments with an updated website:
A few departments in the university have websites which are quite updated in respect of work. The department of accounting and business statistics has 10818 views on its website which is due to its regular updation of data. The website also ranks on the top in the results for this department in the Google search engine.
Some pointers that have been laid down for the websites:
- The time-table of various classes must be displayed on the website.
- A brief of the lectures taken by the professors must be put up on the website.
- The attendance of the class must be put up on the website by the professors.
- The principal and the centre director must take charge of the maintenance and updation of data on the website.