Carbon 12 – International artist show their creativity in Jaipur

Creativity on Canvas

With the help of colors artist gives massages to all

Everyone have a different and unique mind and a unique mind creates a unique art. Recently we show this type of unique art in Carbon – 12, where artist from across the world drew attention towards environment conservation through their work at an exhibition in Jaipur city at Diggi Palace on Dated 29 - 30 April 2016.

In this exhibition 12 artist from different countries show their creative artwork on canvas at two day exhibition called Carbon – 12 at the hotel Diggi Palace in Jaipur. Carbon 12 was the international base workshop which was organized in Jaipur, in this exhibition artist involved from France, Lithuania, UAS, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, South Africa and Iran.

From the help of this exhibition artist wanted to create awareness about the relation between people and the plant and the role carbon plays in the current ecological evolution.

The artist presented their vision and how carbon is affecting the plants. Carbon is every were in every short of work which we can done, we drive a car then carbon produce, cooking food carbon is used everything. The France lady Melanie Challe said that – In my painting I have try to show how necessary carbon is.

All these activities were done in Jaipur. Some of the artist takes inspiration from Jaipur for their work culture. Bosuk Lee from South Korea lady had showcase her painting with the name of “Indian Fantasy”, in this she made peacock that she saw for the first time in Jaipur.

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