Ring Road Project Jaipur Continue Delayed

Ring Road Project Continue Delayed

Bankers postponed the meeting on Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) Ring Road Jaipur.

The Ring Road project of Jaipur will be running in a turtle speed. It has to wait for the sanction for loans from banks.

As according to Jaipur Developing Authority (JDA) officials, all banks will be agree to restart disbursement and for this a meeting was scheduled on Wednesday April 6, 2016. Unfortunately many senior officials and Jaipur Development Commissioner (JDC) will be unable to attend the meeting as result of that the meeting was postponed. The next date will not finalize.

The delay in loan process is also making a delay on the way of Ring Road Project. It will very difficult to completed this project on deadline. Ring Road Project cover 145 km  area with 6 lane road. This will be difficult task for government for complete on time.

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