Jaipur Smart City Ltd Present “Jaipur – 1” Smart Card for Tourist.

Jaipur - 1 Smart Card

Jaipur Smart City- Jaipur Smart Card

Smart City Jaipur present a Smart Mobility Card for our tourist in next season. This card is use same as vise & master card. The name of this card is Jaipur – 1.

What is "Jaipur – 1" Smart Card

This is basically a smart card as a VISA & MASTER, the name of this card is Jaipur – 1. The Jaipur Smart City Limited will decided to provide this facility to our Jaipur tourists.

This is a universal card which are issued once then used till the balance of card will not completed after that recharge the card again.

Uses of "Jaipur – 1" Smart Card

This is a multipurpose card work as a debit card and this can also be using as a photo ID.

  • In Jaipur Metro
  • JCTSL Services
  • Private Public Transportation
  • Haring Cab & Auto
  • Shopping
  • BRTS Services
  • Bike Haring and Cycle riding

Smart City Departments Planning

  • Developing Mobile Application which will download from App Store or Play Store.
  • Next season of tourism can be use this facility of card.
  • Department will be start singing MOU with different departments like Jaipur Metro, JCTSL, Private & Public Transportation, Cab & Auto Companies, RTO Jaipur, and Shopping Centers etc.

According to the words of Mr. Ashutosh (CEO-Jaipur Smart City Ltd.)

  • Firstly this card facility will be starting in the transportation like metro, buses, auto & cab etc.
  • This card having QR Code which is helpful for makeing purchas with the help of Internet.
  • We will open counters at Airport and Tourist center also. From their tourist get this card easily.


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