42 percent children’s of Jaipur City causing influenza

Asthma problem in Jaipur

The desert sand is causing influenza to the children of the state. In a survey conducted on around 18000 schools going children it was found that 36.66 percent of the children are suffering from Influenza. In this survey the schools of Jaipur Jodhpur and Bikaner were included. In the same survey, it was also found that 5.5 percent children if Jaipur are also suffering from Asthma. The survey was conducted on 2 different age groups: 6-7 years (18000 children) and 13-14 years (9000 children).

The study will be sent to the Journal of Asthma (published in America) for publication.


What is Influenza and how is it caused?

Influenza is an Allergic Rhinitis that causes runny nose and watery eyes. Apart from the symptoms include sneezing, eye-itching, eye redness. It we mainly caused dust particles and dirt.

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