The Jaipur Group keen on saving lives with their blood

Aashayein-The Life Saviors

Aashayein-The Life Saviors

Some incidents in life can change the entire life of an individual. In one such incident, the student of JECRC could not find even a single unit of blood for their friend who was in a critical need. The extreme difficulty faced by some of the students of the institutions later encouraged them to form a large student group of blood donors.

The group has not only ben donating the blood but also providing the critical platelets like SDP (Single Donor Platelets). Comprising of 1000+ members this group has an apt name: Aashayein-The Life Saviors" The group started donating the blood from October 2013.

It was during the donation process that they came to know about the extreme difficulty for finding the SDP donors. So they started preparing the database of such members who can donate the SDP anytime, during the year 2015 the group has donated 1751 unit blood and 248 units SDP while in the current year around 162 unit SDP has been donated. Every year the students stage a blood donation camp. Right from the formation till now the groups has donated as much as 3500 unit blood

The club has as many as 400+ SDP donors. Their Helpline number is 8553331761


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