Tourist like Albert Hall Museum at night very much
Out of total number of visitors coming to the Albert Hall Museum during the night time more then 60% percent of foreign tourists, informed the officials of Department of Archeology. On an average more than 100 visitors visit the museum at night.
In fact on many occasions buses filled with foreign tourists have been making way to museum to see the rear monuments and mummy. Thanks to the difference to the price of tickets during the day time and night time for the foreign visitors more and morevisitors from Europe and America are adding night visit to Albert Hall Museum in their itinerary.
Notably during the day price of the tickets is Rs 300 for foreigners but during night it is just Rs. 100.
According to tourism experts, night time visit suits tourists as during the day they spend their time at Amber fort and Naharagarh and while coming back and shopping in Jhori Bazar they reach Albert Hall till evening.
With the idea of promoting the footfalls at the museum, the department of archeology had decided to open it for night viewing in September 2015. The tourists both nationals and foreigners were allowed to enter the museum during evening hours and enjoy viewing antiques, rare artifacts and a 4000-year-old mummy under artificial light till last. The evening hours are between 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.