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A book named ‘Magna Carta’ which dates back to about 800 years is being brought to India to the city of Jaipur for being on display in the Albert Hall museum.
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Tagore School located in Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur lately organised the Jaipur Music Festival, which was graced by a few legends from the music industry.
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Skyscrapers would not require cleaning anymore. This would be possible because of Jaipur scientist Kamlesh Saini's research in Netherlands.
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Inauguration of the Jaipur Smart City is dated to take place on June 25, 2016 by the esteemed prime minister of the country Shri. Narendra Modi Ji.
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It was a proud moment for many of the followers of Indian PM Narendra Modi, when he received an invitation to speak at joint session of US Congress at the White House on June 8, 2016
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