Have you been looking for jobs in Jaipur Metro? For those looking for Jaipur Metro Rail recruitment 2017 to open, we have some good news! Examinations have been scheduled for youth looking for jobs in Jaipur Metro on 20th and 21st May.

Jaipur Metro has issued admit cards for the same. People had filled forms issued for 52 posts by the Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation. Now all those who had applied for the posts will have to sit in the examinations for jobs in Jaipur Metro on both the days - 20th and 21st May.

Jaipur Metro rail Recruitment 2017 is organising exams in 2 shifts on both the days. The admit cards for these examinations are out already. candidates can download their admit cards through the official website of JMRC recruitment. For this the candidates will have to enter their Application ID. You can admit your card by the 20th of May.


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