Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana: Rajasthan Government Scheme for Girl Child

Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje announced two policies for the betterment of girl child in the state, on the occasion of Women’s Day 2016. These two policies are-

  1. The Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana (MRY)
  2. The Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana (MSBY)

These two flagship projects by the Rajasthan government are expected to encourage girl child birth, educate them and assist in building women empowerment and equality in the state.

Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana (MSBY)

The Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana (MSBY) is an important government policy that will make a lot of difference, especially to lives of the not-so-privileged people living in rural areas of the Rajasthan state. This policy by the government aims to provide Rajasthan’s girls the confidence and techniques to defend themselves against all possible physical abuses and attacks.

Empowering Women with Self-Defense Training

Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana has been introduced to provide self-defense training to 1.5lakh adolescent girls in the state. This policy aims to build confidence in girls, right from their childhood so that they no more feel helpless before any type of threat. With the increasing number of women abuses and attacks these days, especially in rural areas, this scheme has been praised by many. Several school girls in the state are learning self-defense techniques under this project by the government.

Uplifting Next Generation

The Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana is primarily dedicated to the adolescent and young generation. On one hand the scheme empowers girls with techniques and tools to protect their self-respect. While on the other hand, the same scheme guides the boys in the state to follow the right path and to respect their female counterparts.

The Mukhyamantri Saksham Balika Yojana focuses on developing awareness, changing the mindset of the society, uplifting the next generation and helping them get through empowerment the right way.


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