Birth Certificate

Registration of child birth is mandatory in issue and accordance with the law of ‘Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969’. A birth certificate can be issued without mentioning a particular name at the time of the birth.

Documents Required:

  • Birth certificate of the parents
  • Marriage certificate of the parents
  • Proof of birth via letter from the hospital
  • Parents identity proof

At the time of a child’s birth in a hospital, hospitals take care of such registration process. If this may not be the case, an individual is required to apply for the birth certificate.

Registration Steps:

  • Obtain the birth letter from the hospital and procure the birth registration form from the nearest registrar.
  • On filling this application form, you will need to submit it in the office of the local authorities.
  • The authorities will then perform a proper verification check with the concerned hospital where the child was born.
  • You need to visit the nearest ‘District Statistical Officer’ and check the details of your registration application.
  • You may be required to pay for the copy of the certificate in the statistical office.

Registration Time and Fees:

Child birth registration should take place within 21 days from the birth of the child. Registration done within a period of 21 days and obtaining the birth certificate thereafter within this time frame is free of charge. However, registration beyond this period of 21 days requires an individual to pay late registration fees. There are no charges required to be paid by an individual for amendments or cancellation of the registration form.

Benefits of Birth certificate:

A birth certificate is the first and foremost right of a child after his/her birth. It is required for a lot of things such as:

  • For school admission purposes
  • As a proof of age at all phases of life – job, marriage, etc.
  • To receive a passport
  • To get one’s voter ID made
  • To obtain important documents like the ration card, aadhar card, driving license, etc.
  • To take an insurance policy

As per Rajasthan Rules Year 2000

The below mentioned rule is of the year 2000:

Any child birth which has not been registered within one year of its occurrence shall be registered only on an order made by Magistrate of the first class after verifying the correctness of birth details on the production of an affidavit made before a notary public and on payment of the prescribed late.

From this rule, it is clear that Magistrate approves notary affidavit of parents, a birth registration can be done for later dates after 1 year of birth.


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